Dear User,
Belarus National Science Portal is developed upon the initiative of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus in order to provide information support for international collaboration in science, technology and innovation. According to developers’ idea, it should be a single entry point for Belarusian researchers to information about variable opportunities of international cooperation – programs, funds, calls for projects both in Belarus and worldwide, as well as about international events, successful stories and initiatives. It might be already useful to the Russian speaking research community and end users in the neighbor countries.
Since early 2012, with a launch of the English version and additional services, e.g. a data base of researchers with an extended experience in international cooperation, the Portal welcomes English speaking users from all over the world interested in getting information about national science and innovation, possibilities of cooperation with Belarus, as well as about reliable partners.
Portal’s Managing Team
BelISA — Belarusian Institute of System
Analysis and Information Support
of Scientific and Technical Sphere