Ridevsky Ghennady

Contact information




Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, State Scientific Institution


Head of the regional Moghilev region center

Research specialization

Research area


Research specialization

Research area: regional socio-economic geography, regional economy, regional policy, history and theory of socio-economic geography, theory and practice of sustainable development

Speciality: 25.00.24 – economic, social, political and recreational geography

Research specialization:
• assessment of resources’ potential of regions;
• regional diagnostics;
• regional monitoring;
• political division optimization;
• territorial structures of settling apart, economic management and management of nature;
• social, ecological and economic regionalization, role of towns in regional development.


2011– till present – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, leading research officer, head of the regional Moghilev region center;
1992–2010 – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, head of the sector;
2009-2011 – US “Moghilev State Regional Institute of Education Development, dean of the faculty;
2002-2009 – A.A.Kuleshov MSU, senior lecturer;
1991-2002 - A.A.Kuleshov MSU, senior instructor;
1990-1991 - A.A.Kuleshov MSU, teacher;
1985-1990 – BSU, student;
1985-1985 – PA “Khimvolokno”, machine operator of 5th class;
1982-1984 – service in the Soviet Army;
1982-1982 - PA “Khimvolokno”, machine operator of 5th class;
1982-1982 – SPT vocational school -39, in-service trainer;
1978-1982 – Moghilev Chemical-and-Technological technical secondary school, student.

Scientific activities


1. R&D of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches (BRFFR – Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) “Comparative assessment of sustainability of socio-economic and demographic development of Russia and Belarus regions (N of State registration 20066262, 2006-2008, project manager). Project manager from the Russian part – dean of Geography faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University Kaledin N.V., candidate of Geography.
2. R&D “To study territorial aspects of the human capital reproduction of the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of a sustainable development of its regions on the basis of the innovational socially-oriented regional policy” (N of State registration 20065196, 2006-2010, project manager). State Complex Program of Scientific Researches (SCPSR) “Economics and Society”.
3. R&D of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches (BRFFR – Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) “Transformation of territorial structure of settling apart and economic management of Russia and Belarus regions, adjacent to borders, in post-Soviet period” (N of State registration 20102570, 2010-2012, project manager). Project manager from the Russian part – director of Research Institute of Regional Researches of Smolensk Humanitarian University, Dr. of Geography, professor Katrovsky A.P.
4. R&D “To develop suggestions for socio-economic development of Moghilev region” (N of State registration 20112555, 2011, project manager).
5. R&D “To develop project of Strategy of regional development of Republic of Belarus up to 2025” (N of State registration 20112564, 2011-2012, coauthor).
6. R&D “To develop methodical approaches of complex assessment of potential of regions, Minsk City and of their socio-economic development” (2011, project manager).

As a whole, over 2007-2012 the work has been carried out on 6 R&D projects, including 5 R&D projects – as project manager and 1 R&D project – as coauthor. 2 R&D projects were joint Belarusian-and-Russian ones and were carried out with scientists of Saint-Petersburg State University and Research Institute of Regional Researches of Smolensk Humanitarian University.


1. Ridevsky G.V. Territorial organization of Republic of Belarus: socio-economic and ecological model of transition to sustainable development: Monograph / Ridevsky G.V. – Moghilev: Kuleshov A.A. MSU, 2007. – 525 p.

2. Ridevsky G.V. Geography of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V. [a. o.] / Edit. I.N. Sharukho. – Moghilev: Kuleshov A.A. MSU, 2007. – 328 p. 148 p.
3. Ridevsky G.V. Theory and practice of sustainable development: manual / Ridevsky G.V. – Moghilev: US ”MSOIPO”, 2010. – 80 p.

Articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific works
4. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-economic and ecological systems as principal objects of sustainable development / Ridevsky G.V. // Ecology and rational management of nature: Col. of scient. works. – Sumy: Makarenko A.S. Sumsky State Pedagogical University, 2007. – P. 6-16.
5. Ridevsky G.V. Social, ecological and economic regionalization as basis of development and realization of Strategy of territorial development of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Moghilev’s meridian. – 2007. – V. 7. Issue 3-4 (10-11). – P. 57-63.
6. Ridevsky G.V. Urbanization and processes of regionalization in Belarus at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XXI centuries / Ridevsky G.V. // Urbanization processes in Belarus in XIX-beginning of XXI centuries; col. of scient. art. / Y.Kupala GrSU; edit. board: Kren I.P., Sorkina I.V. (chief edit.) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrSU, 2010. – P. 15-23.
7. Ridevsky G.V. Three models of space compression and regionopolization process as process of compression of space at intracountry level / Ridevsky G.V. // Compression of socio-economic space: new thing in theory of regional development and practice of its state regulation / Edit. Artobolevsky S.S. and Sintzerov L.M. – M.:Eslan, 2010. – P. 49-59.
8. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolization processes and necessity of taking account of them in working-out of Strategy of regional development of Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Economic Bulletin of SRI “ERI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”. – 2011. – N4. – P. 57-63.
9. Ridevsky G.V. Methods and principal results of assessment of quality of population of Belarusian regions of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Socio-economic geography: history, theory, methods, practice: col. of scient. art. – Smolensk: Universum, 2011. – p. 542-546.
10. Ridevsky G.V. Newest changes in methodology of statistical accounting in Republic of Belarus, that teacher of geography must know / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography: problems of teaching. – 2011. – N6. – P. 3-11.
11. Ridevsky G.V. Assessment of quality of population of Belarusian regions according to results of censuses of 1999 and 2000 // Actual problems of social geography / Edit. Artobolevsky S.S. and Sintzerov L.M. – M. Edit. Matushkina I.I., 2011. – P. 50-63.
12. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolization processes, structural heterogeneity and social differentiation of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Regional studies. – 2011. N4. – P. 127-133.
13. Ridevsky G.V. Dynamics of population size and typology of urban settlements of Belarus by place and role in territorial structure of settling apart on basis of censuses 1959-2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Historical urbanistics: fundamentals of methodology and sources of knowledge basis: / Y.Kupala GrSU; edit. board: Kren I.P., Sorkina I.V. (chief edit.) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrSU, 2011. – P. 82-94.
14. Ridevsky G.V. Territorial structure of settling apart, economy and management of nature of contemporary Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. //Geography and tourism. – Issue 18. – Col. (edit.) Olijnik Y.B. a. o. – K., Alterpress, 2012. – P. 206-214.

Proceedings of scientific conferences
15. Ridevsky G.V. Social, ecological and economic regionalization as basis modernization of administrative-and-territorial division for purpose of sustainable development / Ridevsky G.V. // Theoretical heritage of Semevsky B.N. and contemporary socio-economic geography: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference, devoted to 100th anniversary of Semevsky B.N. – Smolensk: Universum, 2007. – 128-134.
16. Ridevsky G.V. Mozyr’s social, ecological and economic region as sustainable development entity and potential unit of administrative-and-territorial division of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Actual ecological problems of sustainable development of Polessky region and bordering territories: science, education, culture. Proceedings of III International Scientific-and-Practical Conference in 3 parts. Part 3. – Mozyr: US “Shamyakin I.P. MSPU”, 2007. – P. 50-54.
17. Ridevsky G.V. Quality of population of regions of Belarus: methods of research, obtained results and trends of changes / Ridevsky G.V. // Theory and practice of sustainable development: geographical support. Proceedings of III International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, devoted to 90th anniversary of Lyarsky P.A. (December 5-7, 2007). – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. – P. 134-139.
18. Ridevsky G.V. Education for sustainable development in geography teacher’s professional education / Ridevsky G.V. // Proceedings of Scientific-and-Methodical Conference of teachers and collaborators on results of research work in 2007 (February 7-8, 2008) / Edit. – Ivanov A.A. - Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. –P.265-267.
19. Ridevsky G.V. Regional clusters of social, ecological and economic regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Kuleshov’s readings. Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference (April 24, 2008) – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. – P. 206-209.
20. Ridevsky G.V. On problem of typology of settlements of Belarus by role and place in national system of settling apart / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography in XXI century: problems and prospects of development: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference Brest, April 17-18, 2008 / Pushkin A.S. Brest State University – Brest: Publishing House of BrSU, 2008. – P. 197-199.
21. Ridevsky G.B. Assessment of conditions of life of population of regions of Belarus in 1990-2007 / Ridevsky G.B // Regional problems of development and regulation of economy: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference (May, 7 2009) / edit. Balashova T.F. – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2009. – P. 210-213.
22. Ridevsky G.B. Functional typology of administrative regions of Belarus as instrument of regional ecological policy / Ridevsky G.V. // Actual ecological problems of sustainable development of Polessky region and bordering territories: science, education, culture. Proceedings of IV International Conference, – Mozyr, September 24-25, 2009. / US “Shamyakin I.P. MSPU”; edit. board: Lebedev N.A. a. o.; chief edit. Valetov V.V. – Mozyr, 2009. – P. 64-66.
23. Ridevsky G.V. Capacity of consumer market of regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V., Ovchinnikova V.O. // Anniversary Scientific-and-Practical Conference (2009, Gomal), June 2009: [devoted to 40th anniversary of F. Skoryny GSU: Proceedings]: in 4 parts. Part 4 / Edit. Demidenko O.M. a. o. – Gomel: F. Skoryny GSU, 2009. – p. 256-259.
24. Ridevsky G.V. Geography in high school in Belarus: personnel provision’s problems / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography education system of Belarus in context of innovative development: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Minsk, October 21-23, 2010 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, BSU – Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2010. – P. 188-190.
25. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-ecological and economic regions of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Science and education in XXI century: Proceedings of IV International Scientific-and-Practical Conference (October 29, 2010, Contemporary Technical University, Ryazan). In 4 volumes: Vol. 3. Part 2. “Section of natural sciences and tourism” / Edit. Prof. Shiryayev A.G., senior lecturer Baranovsky A.V. – Ryazan: CTU, 2010. – P. 42-49.
26. Ridevsky G.V. Particularities of investment distribution and economic management efficiency in Russian-and-Belarusian bordering regions / Ridevsky g.v. //Socio-economic development of regions of Russia: problems of theory and practice: Proceedings of Interregional Scientific-and-Practical Conference (November 19, 2010, Smolensk State University). Smolensk: CSU, 2010. – P. 19-24.
27. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolises of Belarus and regional development / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems in studying and teaching of social-and-humanitarian sciences (disciplines): Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Vitebsk, December 2-3, 2010 / Vitebsk subsidiary of US FPB “MITSO”. – Vitebsk, 2010. – P. 357-358.
28. Ridevsky G.V. Formation of education for sustainable development as most important task for education system in Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems and directions of innovative activities in education: Proceedings of Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, November 30-December 1, 2010. – US “MGOIPO”. – Moghilev, 2011. – P. 34-37.
29. Ridevsky .G.V. National structure of population of regions of Belarus according to materials of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V., Tzedrik P.N. // “Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of III Interregional Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU (April 22, 2011). – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2011. – P. 19-23.
30. Ridevsky .G.V. Bilingualism of population of Belarus according to materials of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // “Mentality of Slavs and integration processes: history, contemporaneity, prospects: Proceedings of VII International Scientific Conference, Gomel, May 26-27, 2011. In 2 parts. Part 1. / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus [a. o.]; edit. Kiriyenko V.V. – Gomel: Sukhoy P.O. GSTU, 2011. – P. 59-61.
31.Ridevsky G.V. Russian language in Belarusian regions of Russian-Belarusian bordering regions / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems of bordering regions of Belarus and Russian Federation: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Vitebsk, May 27, 2011). – VSU; Edit.: Solodkov [a.o.]. – Vitebsk: US “Masherov P.M. VSU, 2011. – P. 272-274.
32. Ridevsky G.V. Role of small urban settlements in territorial structure of economy and in socio-economic development of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V. // Problems of sustainable development of region: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 25, 2011. / – US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, edit. Ivanov A.V. - Moghilev, 2011. – P. 146-149.
33. Ridevsky G.V. Assessment of economic potential of administrative region / Ridevsky G.V. // Proceedings of XII International Scientific Conference “Problems of Forecasting and State Regulation of Socio-Economic Development”, Minsk, October 20-21, 2011. In 3 vol. V. 3. – Edit.board Chervyakov A.V. [a. o.]. - Minsk.: SRI “ERI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, 2011. – P. 139-140.
34. Ridevsky G.V. Level of education of population of regions of Belarus according to materials of censuses of 1999 and 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Science and education in XXI century: Proceedings of V International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Ryazan, October 28, 2011. / Contemporary Technical University. In 2 volumes: Vol. 2. “Geography and ecology” / Edit. Shiryayev A.G., Atayev S.A., Baranovsky A.V. – Ryazan: CTU, 2011. – P. 31-38.
35. Ridevsky G.V. “Overheating” of economy of Belarus and necessity of changing priorities of socio-economic development on national and regional levels / Ridevsky G.V. // Socio-economic development of organizations and regions of Belarus: goals, priorities, mechanisms of restructuring: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Vitebsk, October 27-28, 2011. US “Vitebsk STU”. In 2 parts. Part 2. / Vitebsk, 2011. – P. 110-113.
36. Ridevsky G.V. Village councils of Moghilev’s regions and necessity of administrative transformations on local level / Ridevsky G.V. // Strategy and Tactics of Development of Production-and-Economic Systems: Proceedings of VII International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Gomel, November 24-25, 2011. In 2 parts. Part. 1. / P.O.Sukhoy Gomel State Technical University; Edit. Gromyko R.I. – Gomel: Sukhoy P.O. GSTU., 2011. – P. 173-175.
37. Ridevsky G.V. Role of agro-settlements in village’s settling apart system of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. // Problems of sustainable development of regions of the Republic of Belarus and bordering countries: Collection of proceedings of II International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 27-28, 2012. / – US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, - Moghilev, 2012. – Part 1. - P. 300-303.
38. Ridevsky G.V. Unemployment rate in regions of Belarus according to results of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Problems of sustainable development of regions of the Republic of Belarus and bordering countries: Collection of Proceedings of II International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 27-28, 2012. / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, - Moghilev, 2012. – Part 1. - P. 304-307.
39. Ridevsky G.V. Industrial production in urban settlements of the Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Industry of region: problems and prospects of innovation development: Proceedings of II Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference (Grodno, May 17-18, 2012) / Y. Kupala GrSU, OJSC “Belcard”; Edit. board: Struk (Chief Editor) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrGU, 2012. – P. 245-249.
40. Ridevsky G.V. Typology of urban settlements of the Republic of Belarus by industrial production / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. // Topical problems and directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus: Proceedings of II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists (Minsk, May 25, 2012) / Edit. Chervyakov A.V. [a. o.]. – Minsk, ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB, 2012. – P. 197-198.
41. Ridevsky G.V. Soil-and-land resources of administrative regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Soil-and-land resources: assessment, sustainable use, geo-informational support: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, June 6-8, 2012, Minsk / Edit. Pirozhnik I.I. [a. o.]. – Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2012. – P. 69-71.
42. Ridevsky G.V. Dynamics of population size of regions of Moghilev’s province according to forecast for period up to 2031. / Ridevsky G.V., Tzedrik P.N. // “Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of VI International Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU. / Edit. Shiryayev A.G. – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2012. – P. 282-285.
43. Ridevsky G.V. Methods and results of assessment of mineral-and resources’ potential of regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. //“Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of VI International Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU. / Edit. Shiryayev A.G. – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2012. – P. 192-195.

Deposited scientific works
44. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-ecological and economic model of regional strategy of transition to sustainable development [Electronic resource]: Research report (conclusion) / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”; research manager – Ridevsky G.V.; performer – Shpartov Y.P. [a. o.]; N of SR 2003378. - Moghilev, 2007. – 74 p. – Inv. N 36775 // Abstract collection of non-published works. R&D, OKRO,OTR reports. Deposited manuscripts of research works. – Issue 6 (55). – SI “BelICA”. – Minsk, 2008. – P. 8.
45.To study territorial aspects of human capital reproduction in Republic of Belarus for the purpose of sustainable development of its regions on basis of innovative socio-oriented regional policy [Text]: Research report (interim) / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”; research manager – Ridevsky G.V.; performer – Kozlovskaya L.V. [a. o.]; N of SR 20065196. - Moghilev, 2007. – 53 p. – Inv. N 335636 // Abstract collection of non-published works. R&D, OKRO,OTR reports. Deposited manuscripts of research works. – Issue 4 (59). – SI “BelICA”. – Minsk, 2009. – P. 6.


Contact data

153, appt. 52, Pervomayskaya Str., Moghilev, Belarus
Tel.: 8-0222-258-339

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