OrganizationResearch Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, State Scientific Institution
PositionHead of the regional Moghilev region center
Research specializationResearch area: regional socio-economic geography, regional economy, regional policy, history and theory of socio-economic geography, theory and practice of sustainable development
Speciality: 25.00.24 – economic, social, political and recreational geography
Research specialization:
• assessment of resources’ potential of regions;
• regional diagnostics;
• regional monitoring;
• political division optimization;
• territorial structures of settling apart, economic management and management of nature;
• social, ecological and economic regionalization, role of towns in regional development.
2011– till present – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, leading research officer, head of the regional Moghilev region center;
1992–2010 – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, head of the sector;
2009-2011 – US “Moghilev State Regional Institute of Education Development, dean of the faculty;
2002-2009 – A.A.Kuleshov MSU, senior lecturer;
1991-2002 - A.A.Kuleshov MSU, senior instructor;
1990-1991 - A.A.Kuleshov MSU, teacher;
1985-1990 – BSU, student;
1985-1985 – PA “Khimvolokno”, machine operator of 5th class;
1982-1984 – service in the Soviet Army;
1982-1982 - PA “Khimvolokno”, machine operator of 5th class;
1982-1982 – SPT vocational school -39, in-service trainer;
1978-1982 – Moghilev Chemical-and-Technological technical secondary school, student.
1. R&D of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches (BRFFR – Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) “Comparative assessment of sustainability of socio-economic and demographic development of Russia and Belarus regions (N of State registration 20066262, 2006-2008, project manager). Project manager from the Russian part – dean of Geography faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University Kaledin N.V., candidate of Geography.
2. R&D “To study territorial aspects of the human capital reproduction of the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of a sustainable development of its regions on the basis of the innovational socially-oriented regional policy” (N of State registration 20065196, 2006-2010, project manager). State Complex Program of Scientific Researches (SCPSR) “Economics and Society”.
3. R&D of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches (BRFFR – Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) “Transformation of territorial structure of settling apart and economic management of Russia and Belarus regions, adjacent to borders, in post-Soviet period” (N of State registration 20102570, 2010-2012, project manager). Project manager from the Russian part – director of Research Institute of Regional Researches of Smolensk Humanitarian University, Dr. of Geography, professor Katrovsky A.P.
4. R&D “To develop suggestions for socio-economic development of Moghilev region” (N of State registration 20112555, 2011, project manager).
5. R&D “To develop project of Strategy of regional development of Republic of Belarus up to 2025” (N of State registration 20112564, 2011-2012, coauthor).
6. R&D “To develop methodical approaches of complex assessment of potential of regions, Minsk City and of their socio-economic development” (2011, project manager).
As a whole, over 2007-2012 the work has been carried out on 6 R&D projects, including 5 R&D projects – as project manager and 1 R&D project – as coauthor. 2 R&D projects were joint Belarusian-and-Russian ones and were carried out with scientists of Saint-Petersburg State University and Research Institute of Regional Researches of Smolensk Humanitarian University.
1. Ridevsky G.V. Territorial organization of Republic of Belarus: socio-economic and ecological model of transition to sustainable development: Monograph / Ridevsky G.V. – Moghilev: Kuleshov A.A. MSU, 2007. – 525 p.
2. Ridevsky G.V. Geography of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V. [a. o.] / Edit. I.N. Sharukho. – Moghilev: Kuleshov A.A. MSU, 2007. – 328 p. 148 p.
3. Ridevsky G.V. Theory and practice of sustainable development: manual / Ridevsky G.V. – Moghilev: US ”MSOIPO”, 2010. – 80 p.
Articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific works
4. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-economic and ecological systems as principal objects of sustainable development / Ridevsky G.V. // Ecology and rational management of nature: Col. of scient. works. – Sumy: Makarenko A.S. Sumsky State Pedagogical University, 2007. – P. 6-16.
5. Ridevsky G.V. Social, ecological and economic regionalization as basis of development and realization of Strategy of territorial development of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Moghilev’s meridian. – 2007. – V. 7. Issue 3-4 (10-11). – P. 57-63.
6. Ridevsky G.V. Urbanization and processes of regionalization in Belarus at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XXI centuries / Ridevsky G.V. // Urbanization processes in Belarus in XIX-beginning of XXI centuries; col. of scient. art. / Y.Kupala GrSU; edit. board: Kren I.P., Sorkina I.V. (chief edit.) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrSU, 2010. – P. 15-23.
7. Ridevsky G.V. Three models of space compression and regionopolization process as process of compression of space at intracountry level / Ridevsky G.V. // Compression of socio-economic space: new thing in theory of regional development and practice of its state regulation / Edit. Artobolevsky S.S. and Sintzerov L.M. – M.:Eslan, 2010. – P. 49-59.
8. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolization processes and necessity of taking account of them in working-out of Strategy of regional development of Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Economic Bulletin of SRI “ERI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”. – 2011. – N4. – P. 57-63.
9. Ridevsky G.V. Methods and principal results of assessment of quality of population of Belarusian regions of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Socio-economic geography: history, theory, methods, practice: col. of scient. art. – Smolensk: Universum, 2011. – p. 542-546.
10. Ridevsky G.V. Newest changes in methodology of statistical accounting in Republic of Belarus, that teacher of geography must know / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography: problems of teaching. – 2011. – N6. – P. 3-11.
11. Ridevsky G.V. Assessment of quality of population of Belarusian regions according to results of censuses of 1999 and 2000 // Actual problems of social geography / Edit. Artobolevsky S.S. and Sintzerov L.M. – M. Edit. Matushkina I.I., 2011. – P. 50-63.
12. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolization processes, structural heterogeneity and social differentiation of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Regional studies. – 2011. N4. – P. 127-133.
13. Ridevsky G.V. Dynamics of population size and typology of urban settlements of Belarus by place and role in territorial structure of settling apart on basis of censuses 1959-2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Historical urbanistics: fundamentals of methodology and sources of knowledge basis: / Y.Kupala GrSU; edit. board: Kren I.P., Sorkina I.V. (chief edit.) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrSU, 2011. – P. 82-94.
14. Ridevsky G.V. Territorial structure of settling apart, economy and management of nature of contemporary Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. //Geography and tourism. – Issue 18. – Col. (edit.) Olijnik Y.B. a. o. – K., Alterpress, 2012. – P. 206-214.
Proceedings of scientific conferences
15. Ridevsky G.V. Social, ecological and economic regionalization as basis modernization of administrative-and-territorial division for purpose of sustainable development / Ridevsky G.V. // Theoretical heritage of Semevsky B.N. and contemporary socio-economic geography: Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference, devoted to 100th anniversary of Semevsky B.N. – Smolensk: Universum, 2007. – 128-134.
16. Ridevsky G.V. Mozyr’s social, ecological and economic region as sustainable development entity and potential unit of administrative-and-territorial division of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Actual ecological problems of sustainable development of Polessky region and bordering territories: science, education, culture. Proceedings of III International Scientific-and-Practical Conference in 3 parts. Part 3. – Mozyr: US “Shamyakin I.P. MSPU”, 2007. – P. 50-54.
17. Ridevsky G.V. Quality of population of regions of Belarus: methods of research, obtained results and trends of changes / Ridevsky G.V. // Theory and practice of sustainable development: geographical support. Proceedings of III International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, devoted to 90th anniversary of Lyarsky P.A. (December 5-7, 2007). – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. – P. 134-139.
18. Ridevsky G.V. Education for sustainable development in geography teacher’s professional education / Ridevsky G.V. // Proceedings of Scientific-and-Methodical Conference of teachers and collaborators on results of research work in 2007 (February 7-8, 2008) / Edit. – Ivanov A.A. - Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. –P.265-267.
19. Ridevsky G.V. Regional clusters of social, ecological and economic regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Kuleshov’s readings. Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference (April 24, 2008) – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2008. – P. 206-209.
20. Ridevsky G.V. On problem of typology of settlements of Belarus by role and place in national system of settling apart / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography in XXI century: problems and prospects of development: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference Brest, April 17-18, 2008 / Pushkin A.S. Brest State University – Brest: Publishing House of BrSU, 2008. – P. 197-199.
21. Ridevsky G.B. Assessment of conditions of life of population of regions of Belarus in 1990-2007 / Ridevsky G.B // Regional problems of development and regulation of economy: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference (May, 7 2009) / edit. Balashova T.F. – Moghilev: US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, 2009. – P. 210-213.
22. Ridevsky G.B. Functional typology of administrative regions of Belarus as instrument of regional ecological policy / Ridevsky G.V. // Actual ecological problems of sustainable development of Polessky region and bordering territories: science, education, culture. Proceedings of IV International Conference, – Mozyr, September 24-25, 2009. / US “Shamyakin I.P. MSPU”; edit. board: Lebedev N.A. a. o.; chief edit. Valetov V.V. – Mozyr, 2009. – P. 64-66.
23. Ridevsky G.V. Capacity of consumer market of regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V., Ovchinnikova V.O. // Anniversary Scientific-and-Practical Conference (2009, Gomal), June 2009: [devoted to 40th anniversary of F. Skoryny GSU: Proceedings]: in 4 parts. Part 4 / Edit. Demidenko O.M. a. o. – Gomel: F. Skoryny GSU, 2009. – p. 256-259.
24. Ridevsky G.V. Geography in high school in Belarus: personnel provision’s problems / Ridevsky G.V. // Geography education system of Belarus in context of innovative development: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Minsk, October 21-23, 2010 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, BSU – Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2010. – P. 188-190.
25. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-ecological and economic regions of Russian-and-Belarusian bordering / Ridevsky G.V. // Science and education in XXI century: Proceedings of IV International Scientific-and-Practical Conference (October 29, 2010, Contemporary Technical University, Ryazan). In 4 volumes: Vol. 3. Part 2. “Section of natural sciences and tourism” / Edit. Prof. Shiryayev A.G., senior lecturer Baranovsky A.V. – Ryazan: CTU, 2010. – P. 42-49.
26. Ridevsky G.V. Particularities of investment distribution and economic management efficiency in Russian-and-Belarusian bordering regions / Ridevsky g.v. //Socio-economic development of regions of Russia: problems of theory and practice: Proceedings of Interregional Scientific-and-Practical Conference (November 19, 2010, Smolensk State University). Smolensk: CSU, 2010. – P. 19-24.
27. Ridevsky G.V. Regionopolises of Belarus and regional development / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems in studying and teaching of social-and-humanitarian sciences (disciplines): Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Vitebsk, December 2-3, 2010 / Vitebsk subsidiary of US FPB “MITSO”. – Vitebsk, 2010. – P. 357-358.
28. Ridevsky G.V. Formation of education for sustainable development as most important task for education system in Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems and directions of innovative activities in education: Proceedings of Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, November 30-December 1, 2010. – US “MGOIPO”. – Moghilev, 2011. – P. 34-37.
29. Ridevsky .G.V. National structure of population of regions of Belarus according to materials of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V., Tzedrik P.N. // “Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of III Interregional Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU (April 22, 2011). – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2011. – P. 19-23.
30. Ridevsky .G.V. Bilingualism of population of Belarus according to materials of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // “Mentality of Slavs and integration processes: history, contemporaneity, prospects: Proceedings of VII International Scientific Conference, Gomel, May 26-27, 2011. In 2 parts. Part 1. / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus [a. o.]; edit. Kiriyenko V.V. – Gomel: Sukhoy P.O. GSTU, 2011. – P. 59-61.
31.Ridevsky G.V. Russian language in Belarusian regions of Russian-Belarusian bordering regions / Ridevsky G.V. // Topical problems of bordering regions of Belarus and Russian Federation: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Vitebsk, May 27, 2011). – VSU; Edit.: Solodkov [a.o.]. – Vitebsk: US “Masherov P.M. VSU, 2011. – P. 272-274.
32. Ridevsky G.V. Role of small urban settlements in territorial structure of economy and in socio-economic development of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V. // Problems of sustainable development of region: Proceedings of Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 25, 2011. / – US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, edit. Ivanov A.V. - Moghilev, 2011. – P. 146-149.
33. Ridevsky G.V. Assessment of economic potential of administrative region / Ridevsky G.V. // Proceedings of XII International Scientific Conference “Problems of Forecasting and State Regulation of Socio-Economic Development”, Minsk, October 20-21, 2011. In 3 vol. V. 3. – Edit.board Chervyakov A.V. [a. o.]. - Minsk.: SRI “ERI of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, 2011. – P. 139-140.
34. Ridevsky G.V. Level of education of population of regions of Belarus according to materials of censuses of 1999 and 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Science and education in XXI century: Proceedings of V International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Ryazan, October 28, 2011. / Contemporary Technical University. In 2 volumes: Vol. 2. “Geography and ecology” / Edit. Shiryayev A.G., Atayev S.A., Baranovsky A.V. – Ryazan: CTU, 2011. – P. 31-38.
35. Ridevsky G.V. “Overheating” of economy of Belarus and necessity of changing priorities of socio-economic development on national and regional levels / Ridevsky G.V. // Socio-economic development of organizations and regions of Belarus: goals, priorities, mechanisms of restructuring: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Vitebsk, October 27-28, 2011. US “Vitebsk STU”. In 2 parts. Part 2. / Vitebsk, 2011. – P. 110-113.
36. Ridevsky G.V. Village councils of Moghilev’s regions and necessity of administrative transformations on local level / Ridevsky G.V. // Strategy and Tactics of Development of Production-and-Economic Systems: Proceedings of VII International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Gomel, November 24-25, 2011. In 2 parts. Part. 1. / P.O.Sukhoy Gomel State Technical University; Edit. Gromyko R.I. – Gomel: Sukhoy P.O. GSTU., 2011. – P. 173-175.
37. Ridevsky G.V. Role of agro-settlements in village’s settling apart system of Moghilev region / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. // Problems of sustainable development of regions of the Republic of Belarus and bordering countries: Collection of proceedings of II International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 27-28, 2012. / – US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, - Moghilev, 2012. – Part 1. - P. 300-303.
38. Ridevsky G.V. Unemployment rate in regions of Belarus according to results of census of 2009 / Ridevsky G.V. // Problems of sustainable development of regions of the Republic of Belarus and bordering countries: Collection of Proceedings of II International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Moghilev, March 27-28, 2012. / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”, - Moghilev, 2012. – Part 1. - P. 304-307.
39. Ridevsky G.V. Industrial production in urban settlements of the Republic of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Industry of region: problems and prospects of innovation development: Proceedings of II Republican Scientific-and-Practical Conference (Grodno, May 17-18, 2012) / Y. Kupala GrSU, OJSC “Belcard”; Edit. board: Struk (Chief Editor) [a. o.]. – Grodno: GrGU, 2012. – P. 245-249.
40. Ridevsky G.V. Typology of urban settlements of the Republic of Belarus by industrial production / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. // Topical problems and directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus: Proceedings of II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists (Minsk, May 25, 2012) / Edit. Chervyakov A.V. [a. o.]. – Minsk, ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB, 2012. – P. 197-198.
41. Ridevsky G.V. Soil-and-land resources of administrative regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V. // Soil-and-land resources: assessment, sustainable use, geo-informational support: Proceedings of International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, June 6-8, 2012, Minsk / Edit. Pirozhnik I.I. [a. o.]. – Minsk: Publishing center of BSU, 2012. – P. 69-71.
42. Ridevsky G.V. Dynamics of population size of regions of Moghilev’s province according to forecast for period up to 2031. / Ridevsky G.V., Tzedrik P.N. // “Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of VI International Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU. / Edit. Shiryayev A.G. – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2012. – P. 282-285.
43. Ridevsky G.V. Methods and results of assessment of mineral-and resources’ potential of regions of Belarus / Ridevsky G.V., Kovalyova Y.P. //“Student scientific search – to science and education of XXI century: Proceedings of VI International Student Scientific-and-Practical Conference CTU. / Edit. Shiryayev A.G. – Ryazan: Contemporary Technical University, 2012. – P. 192-195.
Deposited scientific works
44. Ridevsky G.V. Socio-ecological and economic model of regional strategy of transition to sustainable development [Electronic resource]: Research report (conclusion) / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”; research manager – Ridevsky G.V.; performer – Shpartov Y.P. [a. o.]; N of SR 2003378. - Moghilev, 2007. – 74 p. – Inv. N 36775 // Abstract collection of non-published works. R&D, OKRO,OTR reports. Deposited manuscripts of research works. – Issue 6 (55). – SI “BelICA”. – Minsk, 2008. – P. 8.
45.To study territorial aspects of human capital reproduction in Republic of Belarus for the purpose of sustainable development of its regions on basis of innovative socio-oriented regional policy [Text]: Research report (interim) / US “Kuleshov A.A. MSU”; research manager – Ridevsky G.V.; performer – Kozlovskaya L.V. [a. o.]; N of SR 20065196. - Moghilev, 2007. – 53 p. – Inv. N 335636 // Abstract collection of non-published works. R&D, OKRO,OTR reports. Deposited manuscripts of research works. – Issue 4 (59). – SI “BelICA”. – Minsk, 2009. – P. 6.
Contact data
153, appt. 52, Pervomayskaya Str., Moghilev, Belarus
Tel.: 8-0222-258-339