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OrganizationResearch Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, State Scientific Institution
PositionHead of sector of innovational development, candidate in Economics, senior lecturer
Research specializationEconomics and sociology of scientific and innovational activities, enterprise, regional development
2011 – till present – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, head of sector of innovational development
1999 – 2011 – NIEI of the Ministry of Economy, SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, leading research officer
1988 – 1999 – NIEI Gosplana BSSR, NIEI of the Ministry of Economy, head of sector
1983 – 1988 – Belarusian Republican Board of Scientific-and-Economic Society, vice-chairman
- 2011-2013, Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches (BRFFR), project G 11-172 “Formation of system of international scientific-and-technical cooperation of Belarus and its integration in world and European space”
- 2009-2011, BRFFR, project G09 MS-025 “Use of enterprise resources for sustainable development of territories, adjacent to border (on example of bordering regions of Belarus and Lithuania”
- 2006-2008, BRFFR, project G06-024 “Enterprise and regional development”
- 2005-2007, INTAS, N 04/79/6991 “Cross-border cooperation and partnership in selected CIS countries and consequences of EU enlargement: encouragement of enterprise development in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova”
1. Karpeychik S.V., Prokoshin V.I., Slonimski A.A., Kharitonov Y.M. Role of fundamental researches in formation of scientific-and-technical programs: BRFFR experience // Economic Bulletin of ERI of Ministry of Economy of Republic of Belarus. – 2012. – N5. – P. 30-37.
2. Welter F., Smallbone D., Slonimski A., Linchevskaya O., Pobol A., Slonimska M. Enterprising families in a hostile environment for entrepreneurship // JIBS Working Papers N 2012-1. Jönköping International Business Scholl Jönköping University, Sweden. – 40 p.
3. Slonimski A., Slonimska M., Pobol A. Cross-border enterprise cooperation in assessments of its participants // Vestnik Sotzialnikh nauk. Daugavpils university. – 2011. – N1 (12). – P. 93-108.
4. Slonimski A. Anticrisis actions in small business //Kapital ludzki w processie przemian Europy Srodkowej I wschodnej. Aspekty makroekonomiczne I regionalne. Redakcija naukowa W. Kosiedowski, Torun, Polska, 2010. – SS. 203-2012.
5. Slonimski A., Pobol A. Growth factors of research-based spin-off companies // The European Entrepreneurship in the Globalizing Economy – Challenges and Opportunities eds. K. O’Neill, K. Todorov, Sofia, Bulgaria. – 2009. – Pp. 47-67.
6. Welter F., Smallbone D., Slonimski A., Slonimska M. Internationalization of SMEs in Belarus // in D. Leo-Paul, Welpe I.M., M. Hand and V. Ratten (eds), Handbook of Research on European Business and Entrepreneurship: Towards a Theory of Internationalization, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. – 2008. – PP. 57-76.
7. Smallbone D., Slonimski A., Pobol A. Struggling to survive: the case of a new technology-based enterprise in Belarus // Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Successful Stand-Ups Businesses in Emerging Economies / end.: R. Aidis, F. Welter, Cheltenham, UK. – 2008. – Pp. 29-47.
Contact data
1, appt.14, Pushkina Av., Minsk, Belarus
Tel.: 267-63-32