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OrganizationResearch Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, State Scientific Institution
PositionHead of section “Strategic Planning, Development of Medium- and Long-Term Forecasts and Programs
Research specializationAnalysis and forecasting of macroeconomic processes, development of economic-and-mathematical models
April of 2012– till present – SRI “Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus”, head of section “Strategic Planning, Development of Medium- and Long-Term Forecasts and Programs”
Themes, executed for the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus:
1. "To develop mathematical models of analysis and short-term forecasting of main indices of real sector of Belarusian economy" (2006-2007, N SR 20061097);
2. "To develop system of econometric models for analysis and short-term forecasting of main macroeconomic indices of Republic of Belarus" (2008, N SR 20081295);
3. "To develop econometric macro model for scenario forecasting of most important indices of Belarusian economy" (2009, N SR 20092121);
4. "To develop new version of econometric macro-model for analysis and forecasting of most important parameters of development of Republic of Belarus, taking into account impact of world financial-and-economic crisis" (2010, N SR 20102048);
5. "To develop models for analysis and short-term forecasting of most important parameters of socio-economic development of Republic of Belarus" (2011, N SR 20113170).
Coauthor of the theme “Simulation of interaction of energy and economic systems of Republic of Belarus for purpose of increase in efficiency of national economic complex functioning” (2008-2010, N SR 20090069), executed with the financial support of Fund of Fundamental Researches of the Republic of Belarus.
1. Kravtzov M.A. Econometric simulation and forecasting of GDP and its branch structure / Kravtzov M.K., Shinkevich N.N., Gaspadaretz O.I. // Economic Bulletin of ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2008. P. 4-27.
2. Kravtzov M.K. System of econometric models for analysis and forecasting of most important indices of real sector of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Shinkevich N.N., Gaspadaretz O.I. // Scientific and Innovation Activities in Agroindustrial Complex. Col. of scient. articles of 3th International Scientific-and-Practical Conference. – Minsk: BSATU, 2008. – Part 1. – P. 98-103.
3. Kravtzov M.K. Econometric simulation of real sector of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Shinkevich N.N., Gaspadaretz O.I. // Proceedings of Minsk Institute of Management. – 2008. – N1. – P. 3-10.
4. Kravtzov M.K. Econometric macro-model for analysis and forecasting of most important indices of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Burdyko N.M., Gaspadaretz O.I., Shinkevich N.N., Kartun A.M. // Applied Econometrics. – 2008. N2. – P.21-43.
5. Gaspadaretz O.I. On simulation and forecasting of payment for labor, incomes, savings and consumption of households of Republic of Belarus / Gaspadaretz O.I. // Economy, Simulation, Forecasting. Col. of scient. works. – Minsk: ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2008. Edit. 2. - P. 288-301.
6. Kravtzov M.K. Macro-model for analysis and forecasting of indices of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Gaspadaretz O.I., Shinkevich N.N., Kartun A.M. // Bankovsky Vestnik. – 2009. –N16. P. 5-15.
7. Kravtzov M.K. Assessment of impact of prices for imported natural gas and crude oil on main macroeconomic indices in Republic of Belarus / Kravtzov M.K., Gaspadaretz O.I., Shinkevich N.N. // Economy and Management. – 2009. – N2. P. 3-11.
8. Gaspadaretz O.I. Forecasting of commissioning of housing at expense of all sources of financing in Republic of Belarus / Gaspadaretz O.I. // Economy, Simulation, Forecasting. Col. of scient. works. – Minsk: ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2009. Edit. 3. - P. 308-322.
9. Gaspadaretz O.I. Consumer market of Republic of Belarus: analysis of trends, key factors, econometric models / Gaspadaretz O.I. //Economic Bulletin of ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2009. N4. - P. 46-62.
10. Burdyko O.I. Analysis and forecasting of production of consumer goods in Republic of Belarus / Burdyko O.I., Ananich T.V. // Economy and Management. – 2010. N1. – P. 23-28.
11. Kravtzov M.K. Macro-model for analysis and forecasting of indices of real sector of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Boreiko N.N., Burdyko O.I. // Vestnik GrSU. Seria 5. Economy. – 2010. P. 97-107.
12. Kravtzov M.K. Macroeconomic simulation and forecasting of real sector of Belarusian economy / Kravtzov M.K., Burdyko O.I., Boreiko N.N. // Scientific-and-Innovation Activities in Agro-Industrial Complex. Col. of scient. works of 4th International Scientific-and-Practical Conference. – Minsk: BSATU, 2010. – Part 1. - P.69-73.
13. Burdyko O.I. Forecasting of gross added value of housing and communal facilities and non-production kinds of service of population in Republic of Belarus / Burdyko O.I. //Economy, Simulation, Forecasting. Col. of scient. works. – Minsk: ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2010. Edit. 4. P. 305-323.
14.Burdyko O.I. Use of econometric models for analysis and forecasting of sectoral make-up of Belarusian economy / Burdyko O.I.// Economic Bulletin of ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2010. N. 10. - P. 50-62.
15. Kravtzov M.K. Optimizational dynamic models of choice of sectoral make-up of Belarusian economy for medium-term prospects / Kravtzov M.K., Boreiko N.N., Burdyko O.I., Krukova A.A. // Economic Bulletin of ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2011. N. 1. - P. 4-17.
16. Burdyko O.I. Forecasting of GDP and of its sectoral make-up / Burdyko O.I. // Economic Bulletin of ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2011. N. 1. - P. 18-33.
17. Kravtzov M.K. Econometric macro-model for analysis and forecasting of most important parameters of socio-economic development of Republic of Belarus / Kravtzov M.K., Burdyko O.I., Boreiko N.N. // Economy, Simulation, Forecasting: Col. of scient. works. – Minsk: ERI of the Ministry of Economy of RB. – 2011. Edit. 5. - P. 238-274.
Contact data
1, bld.1, Slavinskogo Str., Minsk, office 208
Tel. (office): 267-49-52.
e-mail: oi_gaspadar@tut.by