OrganizationVitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Educational Establishment
PositionProfessor, Head of the Department for Zoohygiene of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
Research specializationHygiene of Animal Maintenance and Feeding
Projecting and Reconstruction of Farm Animal Facilities
2006 – till now – Head of the Department for Zoohygiene, Professor
1999 – 2006 – Vice rector, the First vice rector of the Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
2000 – Professor
1999 – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
1998 – 1999 – Dean of the Zooengineering faculty of the Vitebsk State academy of Veterinary Medicine
1991 – 1998 – Associate Professor of the Department for Animal Physiology of the Vitebsk State academy of Veterinary Medicine
1987 - 1991 – assistant of the Department of Zoohygiene
1987 – PhD in Agri-Sci.
1985 - 1987 – a post graduate PhD course in Agricultural Sciences
01.01.2012 – 31.12.2014 The Development and Introduction of Methods for Cleaning and Disinfecting of Portable Water. International Target Programme of Innovative Cooperation of SIS Member States for the Period till the Year of 2020
01.01.12 – 31.12.13 The Development and Production of Feed Additives for Animals with the Use of Local Mineral Components (dolomite, trepel, feed chalk)
Key publications within the last 5 years:
1. Medvedsky, V.À. A New Feed Additive “Petushock” in the Feeding of Laying Hens /V.À. Medvedsky // Proceedings of the 2-nd International Scientific Conference. Kamenets- Podolsky, 2012, p. 96-97.
2. Medvedsky, V.À. The Efficiency the Use of Natural Mineral Sources in Diets of Lactating Cows. / V.À.Medvedsky, Ì.Ì. Karpenya,V.N. Podrez et al. // Scientific- practical Magazine “ Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine” EE BSAA. ¹ 2, 2011. - p. 37-11.
1. Nikitin, Y.I. “Physiology of Farm Animals”: electronic book /Y.I.Nikitin, .V/K/ Gusakov, N.S.Motuzko,VA. Medvedsky. November 29, 2011. VGAVM - 200/100-001.
2. Medvedsky, V.A.,Agricultural Ecology:textbook /V.A.Medvedsky,T/B/ Medvedskaya. // Mn.: IVC Minfina , 2010.- 416 p.
3. Medvedsky,V.A. “Animal Hygiene”: textbook for students of specialty “Veterinary Medicine” for Agricultural Higher Schools /V.A. Medvedsky. [et al.]; under editing of V.A. Medvedsky – Minsk, : “Technoperspectiva”, 2009. – 617 p.
4. Medvedsky V.A., Animal Husbandry, Zoohygiene and Veterinary Sanitation: textbook for vocational technical schools / V.A. Medvedsky [et al.]; under reduction of V.A. Medvedsky.-Vitebsk, 2006.- 322 p.
5. Medvedsky V.A., Farm Animal Maintenance: handbook /V.A. Medvedsky., Å.À.Kapitonova //, EE VSAVM, 2012.- 480 p.
6. Medvedsky,V.A.. Physiology of Farm Animals : handbook/V.A. Medvedsky, Y.I. Nikitin, V.K. Gusakov, N.S. Motuzko// Minsk “Technoperspectiva” 2009 under editing of Y.I. Nikitin.- second edition.- 463 p.
7. Medvedsky,V.A. General and Veterinary Ecology: Handbook /A.I. Yatusevich,V.V. Maximovich., V.A. Medvedsky, M/P/ Babina et al. . //Minsk: IVC Minfina, 2009.- 304 p.
8. Medvedsky V.A., Physiology of Agricultural Animals: Handbook/V.A. Medvedsky, Y.I. Nikitin, V.K. Gusakov et al. //Minsk, “Technoperspectiva”, 2006.- 463p.
9. Medvedsky V.A., Animal Hygiene: Handbook/ V.A.Medvedsky, G.A. Sokolov, A.F. Trofimov et al. //Aducacia and Vykhovanye, 2004.- 608 p.
10. Medvedsky,V.A..Agricultural Ecology: Handbook, V.A. Medvedsky, T.V. Medvedskaya //Vitebsk, 2003.- 266 p.
11. Medvedsky,V.A..Hygiene of Agricultural Facilities: Handbook/ V.A. Medvedsky//Vitebsk, 2001.- 249 p.
1. Medvedsky, V.À. Farm Animal Husbandry: Practicum //V.A. Medvedsky, Å.À. E.A. Kapitonova // Vitebsk: VSAVM, 2011. – 200 p.
2. Medvedsky V.A., Practicum on Zoohygiene and Veterinary Sanitation for Vocational Technical Schools : Practicum / V.A. Medvedsky, A.F. Zhelezko., I.V. Shchebetok //Vitebsk, 2006.-38 p.
3. Medvedsky, V.À. Zoohygiene: Practicum / V.À.Medvedsky, À.N.Kartasheva // Ìn., 2005.-296 p.
Medvedsky, V.À.Practicum on Agricultural Ecology: Practicum/ V.À.Medvedsky, Ò.V. Medvedskaya// Vitebsk, 2004.- 187 p.
1. Medvedsky V.À., Housing, Feeding and Caring for Animals: Manual / V.À. Medvedsky //Minsk, Technoperspectiva -2007.- 659p.
2. Yatusevich A.I. ,Veterinary manual : Manual/ A.I. Yatusevich [et al.] // Minsk, “Technoperspectiva”, 2007.- 971p.
1. Medvedsky, V.A Farm Animals Husbandry: Practical Guide for Farmers/ V.À.Medvedsky, Å.À. Kapitonova //Vitebsk, E.E. VSAVM, 2011. – 207 p.
2. Medvedsky, V.À. Normative Zoohygienic Requirements in Animal Husbandry: Practical Guide / V.À.Medvedsky, I.V.Shchebetok, M.V. Rubina et al. . // Vitebsk, E.E. VSAVM, 2010. – 343 p.
3. Medvedsky, V.À. Hygienic Aspects of Energy Safety in Animal Husbandry: Practical Guide / V.À.Medvedsky, F.À.Gasanov //Vitebsk, EE VSAVM, 2008. – 204 p.
4. Medvedsky, V.À. Hygienic Control for Maintenance and Feeding of Animals : Practical Guide/ V.À. Medvedsky// Minsk, GU «Academic-methodic Center of Minselkhozprod », 2007.- 191p.
2012. Feed Bioadditive for Farm Poultry. BU À 23 Ê 1/175 ¹ à 20110083.
2011. Multi Ferment Composition for the Cattle Young Stock. BU 14282 Ñ 12 N 9/00, À 23 Ê 1/165.
Technical Conditions
Mineral- vitamin Feed Additive “Pyatachok”.ÒÓ BY 690655317.003-2012
Feed Additive for Poultry “Petushock” TY BY 690655317.005-2012
Feed Additive for Fattening Cattle Youngstock «Borka”. TY BY 690655317.006-2012
Feed Additive for swine “ Khryusha” ÒÓ BY 690655317.004-2012
Feed Additive “HELT SORBENT ANTITOX”. ÒÓ BY 391048427.002-2012
Postal address:
Professor A.V. Medvedsky
Lazo str., 180. Vitebsk 210039
tel.: +375 29 716-05-48
e-mail: zoogigiena@mail.ru