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OrganizationInstitute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, State Scientific Institution
PositionHead of Laboratory
Physical & Analytical Chemistry
Research specialization• Activities in Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces, Surface Engineering of materials with organic mono- and multimolecular films. Specific skills concerns Langmuir-Blodget and Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques; Surfaces and Thin Films for Nanotechnology purposes;
• Surface Techniques including LB, LbL, SAM and MicroContact Printing (MCP)methods for surface modification; SEM, STM and AFM (especially AFM) for film morphology control; ellipsometry, UV/vis- and FTIR-spectroscopy, SPR, QCM, etc. methods for film analysis;
• Last year’s interests are focused on:
(i) characterization of Surface phenomena in monolayer films (surface-active properties of insoluble monolayer films at aqueous interface);
(ii) magnetic and fluorescent nanoparticles for medical diagnostic;
(iii) target drug delivery systems for medicine, including micro- and nanoparticles, liposome, micelles;
(iv) surface design through reorganization and self-organization phenomena, including studies of molecule-surface interaction in monomolecular films, biomolecules and nanoparticles on surfaces;
(v) surface engineering and bioengineering (oriented protein immobilization on local part of planar surface for biosensor applications).
- Head of the Laboratory of Surface Chemistry, The Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1999-2012);
- Senior Research Chemist, Laboratory of Surface Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1998-1999);
- Senior Research Chemist, Department of Kinetics and Reactivity, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1991 – 1998);
- Research Chemist, Laboratory of Thin Films, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1985 - 1991);
- Post-Graduate Research Assistant, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1982 - 1985);
- Research Assistant, Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus (1981-1982).
Leader or local co-coordinator of several Belarusian National Research Projects in the field of thin film coatings:
• (i) "The development of functional nanoparticles and biocompatible containers for the purposes of medical diagnosis and local drug delivery forms with prolonged action" (2011-2013);
• (ii) "To study the efficiency of local systems of delivery of thrombolytic agents for the treatment of thrombosis in vivo» (2011-2013);
• (iii) "Investigation of cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of nanoparticles and their absorption on cells in vitro and in vivo» (2011-2013);
• (iv) "To create immunomagnetic nanomaterials and methods for separation of stem cells by magnetic particles" (2010-2012);
• (v) To develop a test system for detection of latent and persistent forms of Chlamydia infection using functionalized nanoparticles " (2010-2013);
• (vi) "To construct an automated system for modifying the surfaces of membranes with molecular ultrathin layers" (2010-2012);
• International Belarus- Saudi Arabia project:” Functional nanostructured coverings: antifriction, biosensitive, magnetic” (2008-2011).
• Belarus team leader of 105 INTAS project “Physics of Fluid-to-Solid Phase Transition in Lipid Membranes” (2002-2005).
Selected publications:
1. N. Giamblanco, M. Yaseen, G. Zhavnerko, J.R. Lu, G.Marletta. Fibronectin Conformation Switch Induced by Coadsorption with Human Serum Albumin. Langmuir (2011) 27 (1), pp. 312-319.
2. G. Zhavnerko, G. Marletta. Developing Langmuir–Blodgett strategies towards practical devices. Materials Science and Engineering B (2010), 169(1-3), pp. 43–48.
3. S.Scalisi, M.F.M. Sciacca, G.Zhavnerko, D.M. Grasso, G.Marletta, C. La Rosa. Self-Assembling Pathway of HiApp Fibrils within Lipid Bilayers. ChemBioChem. (2010), 11(13), pp. 1856–1859.
4. A. Balcerzak, M. Aleksiejuk, G. Zhavnerko, V. Agabekov. Sensing properties of two-component Langmuir–Blodgett layer and its porous derivative in SAW sensor for vapors of methanol and ethanol. Thin Solid Films, (2010), 518(2), pp. 3402-3406.
5. Nunzio Tuccitto, Violetta Ferri, Marco Cavazzini, Silvio Quici, Genady Zhavnerko, Antonino Licciardello, Maria Anita Rampi. Highly conductive &math;40-nm-long molecular wires assembled by stepwise incorporation of metal centres. Nature Materials (2009), 8(4), pp. 359-64.
6. K.A. Kekalo, B.E. Kashevsky, V.E. Agabekov, S.B. Kashevsky, I.V. Prokhorov, G.K. Zhavnerko. Influence of Co amount on the efficiency of energy absorption of Fe-Co ferrite nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2009), 321(10), pp. 1514-1516.
7. V. Torrisi, N. Tuccitto, I. Delfanti, J.N. Audinot, G. Zhavnerko, H.-N. Migeon, A. Licciardello. Nano- and microstructured polymer LB layers: A combined AFM/SIMS study. Applied Surface Science (2008), 255, pp. 1006–1010.
8. G. Zhavnerko, G. Marletta. Self-Organization at the Molecular Level and Surface Patterning Encyclopedia of surface and colloid science, edited by P. Somasundaran: Taylor & Francis, 2nd Edition, 2006, 5544-60.
9. G.K. Zhavnerko and Kwon-Soo Ha. Biosensor Applications: Surface Engineering. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Encyclopedia, Marcel Dekker USA, 2004, v. 1, p. 351-360.
10. D.-I. Kim, G.K. Zhavnerko, H.-S. Ahn, and D.-H. Choi. Tribological properties of Langmuir–Blodgett films on silicon surface in microscale sliding contact. Tribology Letters, (2004) 17 (2), pp. 169-177.
11. G.K. Zhavnerko and Kwon-Soo Ha. Oriented immobilization C-reactive protein on solid substrate. Frontiers in Multifunctional Integrated Nanosystems”, E.Buzaneva and P.Scharff, (eds.) Proceedings of the NATO Series Books, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publisher (The Netherlands), 2004, Vol. 152, pp.95-108.
12. S.-J. Yi, J. S. Yuk, S.-H. Jung, G. K. Zhavnerko, Y.-M. Kim, and K.-S. Ha. Investigation of Selective Protein Immobilization on Charged Protein Array by Wavelength Interrogation-based SPR Sensor. Molecules and cells, (2003) 15(3), pp. 333-340.
13. G.K. Zhavnerko, V.E. Agabekov, M.O. Gallyamov, I.V. Yaminsky, A.L. Rogach. Composite Langmuir–Blodgett films of behenic acid and CdTe nanoparticles: the structure and reorganization on solid surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2002), 202 pp. 233–241.
14. G.K. Zhavnerko, K.A. Zhavnerko, V.E. Agabekov, M.O. Gallyamov, I.V.Yaminsky and A.L. Rogach. Reorganization of Langmuir monolayers on solid surfaces. Colloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2002), 198-200, pp.231-238.
15. G.K. Zhavnerko and V.S.Gurin Formatiom and Deposition of Langmuir-Blodgett Films with Thiol-Stabilized CdTe Nanoparticles. Interface Science, (2002), 10, pp. 83-89.
1. Patent of Belarus 2011 ¹ 15,411 "A device for formation mono-and multilayer composite coatings on a solid surface for different functional purposes," by authors Zhavnerko GK, Agabekov VE, Solomonyan AE, Chizik S.A., Suslov A.A., Chikunov V.V.
2. Patent of Belarus 2010 ¹ 14,201 "Method of forming a magnetic layer with gluing properties" by authors Agabekov V.E, Kekalo, KA, Zhavnerko G.K.
G.K. Zhavnerko
Head of the Laborotory of Chemistry of Thin Films
The Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, Belarus National Academy of Sciences
F.Scoriny 36, Minsk 220141, Belarus
Phone + (375) 17 268-63-08
e-mail: zhavnerko@yahoo.co.uk or zhavn@ichnm.basnet.by